AI and Large Language Models like ChatGPT are a threat to your software engineering job

I’m sick and tired of my fellow tech-bros down playing AI. AI is an existential threat to software careers. It’s an existential threat, because it’s growing at such a rapid pace, and it already has led to numerous jobs being laid off.

If the pace of it’s growth continues, we could mathematically determine at what point it will be able to replace the human worker. We only need to have some metric of comparing the performance of a worker, to that of an AI. If we have those metrics, and if we assume that it’s growth is similar to that of the CPU, which has been consistently growing for several years, this should be concerning to everyone.’s_law Moore’s law shows us the growth of CPUs. If AI is anything close to how the transistors work in Moore’s law, we should all be terrified, but for some reason, many people continue to downplay it.

A clear example of this is that Cisco laid off nearly 2,000 people, and cited that it was a “move towards AI.”

It’s also already capable of writing code at a junior/mid level engineer. Therefore, I think that people who are down-playing the idea that AI is not a threat to tech jobs, are just grossly misled.

I think it’s also important to think about the fact that downplaying AI will lead to less legislative oversight, and this directly benefits the companies who want to replace workers with AI.

I think it’s fair to assume that part of the downplay being perpetuated in the public is corporate propaganda so that legislators don’t take action to protect workers rights.

As of right now, the only jobs that I can think of that are protected from AI are physical jobs, or jobs that have some sort of certifying body that protects them. For example, union jobs, doctors which require a medical board approval, and lawyers who require a BAR approval.

Because of the aforementioned reasons, AI is a threat to software careers.

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